Provides position, orientation, linear velocity, angular velocity, and linear acceleration for the rigid body of a vehicle.
Field | datatype | Description |
utime | string | utime that the actual measurement took place |
pos | [double] | position (x,y,z) in meters in local frame |
quat | [double] | quaternion which rotates a vector from body to local frame |
vel | [double] | velocity in m/s, expressed in body frame |
avel | [double] | angular velocity about (x,y,z) in rad/s in body frame |
acc | [double] | acceleration in m/s^2 in body frame |
vehicle | string | unique vehicle name the data is associated to. |
topic | string | type of telemetry data |
Local frame: when a shift starts, the current position of the car is dictated as (0, 0, 0). As we start moving, our position relative to this origin is our position in the local frame Global frame: relates to where we are in reference to the world. Body frame is with respect to the rear axle of the vehicle
Topic/channel string
For Realtime API
Pass the comma seperated topic name as a query param
For Batch API
To access the Batch API, you need to include the vehicle name and topic name as path parameters in the URL.
JSON Output
Order of fields might differ
"acc": [
"avel": [
"pos": [
"quat": [
"topic": "POSE",
"utime": "1683642288801633",
"vehicle": "vehiclename",
"vel": [