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driver takeover

This topic is unavailable for Lexus vehicles.


Driver Intervention signals and determination of Takeover Status. As well as safety cross checks of associated signals.

utimestringBest estimate of when this message is from, host clock in UTC
primaryChannelInterventionintegerTakeover determined from a primary channel (0 or 1)
secondaryChannelInterventionintegerFor internal use only : Takeover determined from secondary channel (0 or 1)
adnDetectedTakeoverintegerFor internal use only : Takeover determined from above two channel interventions (0 or 1)
adnModeCommandintegerFor internal use only: Takeover determined from interventions
mayInterventionbooleanIn summary, mayIntervention says if there was a driver takeover based on the input from adnDetectedTakeover and ChannelInterventions
vehiclestringunique vehicle name the data is associated to.
topicstringtype of telemetry data

Topic/channel string

For Realtime API

Pass the comma seperated topic name as a query param


For Batch API - TBD

To access the Batch API, you need to include the vehicle name and topic name as path parameters in the URL.


JSON Output

Order of fields might differ

"adnDetectedTakeover": 1,
"adnModeCommand": 1,
"mayIntervention": true,
"primaryChannelIntervention": 1,
"secondaryChannelIntervention": 1,
"utime": "1683641886485037",
"vehicle": "vehiclename"