Provides latitude, longitude, and elevation information of a vehicle. This also contains uncertainties on those measurements.
Field | datatype | Description |
utime | string | Best estimate of when this message is from, host clock in UTC |
utimeGlobal | double | Global time of navigation solution generation |
lat | double | latitude of a vehicle |
lon | double | longitude of a vehicle |
elevation | double | Meters above sea level |
horizDop | double | Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) is a measure of the quality of a GPS receiver's position fix in the horizontal (i.e., latitude and longitude) dimension. It is a mathematical factor that reflects the errors and uncertainties in the GPS signals received by the receiver, and it is used to estimate the accuracy of the receiver's horizontal position |
timeDop | double | GPS Time Dilution of Precision (TDoP) is a measure of the quality of a GPS receiver's clock synchronization with the GPS satellite network. It is a mathematical factor that reflects the errors and uncertainties in the GPS signals received by the receiver, and it is used to estimate the accuracy of the receiver's time synchronization |
nsats | int32 | number of satellites |
errX | double | meters covariance East West |
errY | double | meters covariance North South |
errZ | double | meters covariance Up Down |
vehicle | string | unique vehicle name the data is associated to. |
topic | string | type of telemetry data |
Topic/channel string
For Realtime API
Pass the comma seperated topic name as a query param
For Batch API
To access the Batch API, you need to include the vehicle name and topic name as path parameters in the URL.
JSON Output
Order of fields might differ
"elevation": 351.0480041503906,
"errX": 0.7080000042915344,
"errY": 0.7080000042915344,
"errZ": 1.3639999628067017,
"horizDop": 1.25,
"lat": 33.60585021972656,
"lon": -112.28811645507812,
"nsats": 17,
"status": "LOCK",
"timeDop": "NaN",
"topic": "GPS",
"utime": "1683642288861757",
"utimeGlobal": "1683642289199983",
"vehicle": "vehiclename"