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Converts Local Position to Global Position (pose). Global position is relative to the map.

topicstringtype of telemetry data
vehiclestringunique vehicle name the data is associated to
utimestringTime (UTC) of the L2G reading
xyt[double]Encoding of POSE channel as X, Y, Theta. This is a vector to map (translate and rotate) pose's position to the global (RTN) position.

Local frame: when a shift starts, the current position of the car is dictated as (0, 0, 0). As we start moving, our position relative to this origin is our position in the local frame Global frame: relates to where we are in reference to the world.

Topic Channel string

Realtime Only

Pass the comma separated topic name as a query parameter


JSON Output

Order of fields might differ

"topic": "L2G",
"utime": "1702495028830806",
"vehicle": "vehiclename",
"xyt": [